
notes from a diseased mind...

rusty shackleford
Dogwater Falls, Il

i can read and write when i have to. i drink tons of coffee and smoke cigarettes. i keep a pretty clean house, but live in a more rundown area of town. yeah, being poor sucks. more than anything thought, i love music, my cats and my family. interpret that ordering anyway you want.  yeah so, there it is.

so, between frying my brain by staring at the sun, i also enjoy high-caliber firearms....

my neighbors love me-> mid-40s, white, bachelor and alot of time on my hands...

i love being on that lake...even with a camera in my face... ever vigilant for signs of the zombie apocalypse...WWSD!?!?!  just what would a sleestak do? HE died for your sins.

Mr. Fish is the originator of the sleestack graphic. more of his work can be found here           -

my gift to you... enjoi!  --> my therapist and attorney think this is cathartic or some shit...

this is me, that i am.

steven your average middle-age white guy serial killer type.

Blog Archive

The Rot Within: the time of american hegemony is over. the fractured state of american society and bilateral disfunction of the political apparatus are the main contributing factors. collective guilt, bankrupt corporate ethics and the lack of personal accountability fuel the disease that is killing the amerikan republik. the global neighborhood has caught a whiff of the decay and the buzzards are starting to circle. the potential for increased societal control of a mistrustful and mutually fearing population already divided by class and economics is at hand.  

Photosensitive Seizure Warning and Other Health Risks

Some viewers may experience an epileptic seizure or stroke when exposed to certain flashing images or lights contained in certain television pictures or video games. If you or any of your family has a history of epilepsy / stroke or just being a dick, please consult with a medical specialist before using any of this domainanissis. Your cooperation is appreciated.


i like to mess around with digital photography and electronic music, when i am not frolicking with my war kittens or baking some tasty bread. no shit. sometimes i like to torture the random cockroach that dimwitted wanders into my apartment. Boric acid is cool. Study Chemistry.

i call that one fungus....forget what it really was...?!

This website is powered by coffee cigarettes and wayward kittens....

if you wish to converse...

i love music, all music. especially live music. anyway, below are some files and songs you should at least look at or listen to....

some of the greatest bands and\or songs that you have never heard of...

05 - Barstool Blues.mp3

06 - In Your Arms.mp3

Les Claypool's Frog Brigade Pigs On The Wing, Pt.2.mp3

Sebadoh - Live at KVRX - 10 Rebound.mp3

Clutch-Sleepstack Lightning.mp3

Freakwater - War Pigs.mp3

rem1983-07-13Gardening At Night.mp3

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